Tag Archives: search

Designing a search system for log data — part 2

This is the second part of a 3-part series “Designing and building a search system for log data”. Be sure to check out part 1. Part 3 follows this post.

ekanite-cubeIn the previous post I outlined some of the high-level requirements for a system that indexed log data,  and makes that data available for search, all in near-real-time. Satisfying these requirements involves making trade-offs, and sometimes there are no easy answers.

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Designing a search system for log data — part 1

This is the first part of a 3-part series “Designing and building a search system for log data”. Part 2 is here, and part 3 is here.

ekanite-cubeFor the past few years, I’ve been building indexing and search systems, for various types of data, and often at scale. It’s fascinating work — only at scale does O(n) really come alive. Developing embedded systems teaches you how computers really work, but working on search systems and databases teaches you that algorithms really do matter.

Continue reading Designing a search system for log data — part 1

Increasing bleve indexing performance with sharding

bleve-logoSearch is everywhere. Once you’ve built search systems, you see its potential application in many places. So when I came across bleve, an open-source search library written in Go, I was interested in learning more about its feature set and its indexing performance. And I could see immediately one might be able to shard it to improve performance.

Continue reading Increasing bleve indexing performance with sharding