Building a highly-available search engine using SQLite

Did you know that SQLite contains a full text search engine? The SQLite FTS4 and FTS5 Extensions allow you to perform full-text searches on documents loaded into SQLite.

And since rqlite uses SQLite as its database engine, rqlite makes it really easy to deploy a highly-available search engine – and one you can interact with using SQL and HTTP.

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Latest updates to rqlite 8.23

rqlite is a lightweight, open-source, distributed relational database written in Go, utilizing SQLite as its storage engine.

rqlite has been updated to versions 8.23.1 through 8.23.3, bringing a series of targeted improvements to refine its internal operations and enhance overall stability. These updates focus on advancing the database’s core functionality through code refactoring and important bug fixes.

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Prepping to Speak at Tech Conferences: From AWS re:Invent to GopherCon

Getting ready to speak at a technical conference can be as nerve-wracking as it is exciting, especially if it’s your first time.

Having had the opportunity to present at notable events like AWS re:Invent, Monitorama, DevOps Days, and GopherCon, I’ve learned a thing or two about preparing for the big stage.

Continue reading Prepping to Speak at Tech Conferences: From AWS re:Invent to GopherCon

Philip O'Toole