Tag Archives: programming

A simple host system for a 6502 emulator

2000px-CBM_Logo.svgCPU emulation, particularly of older processors, is an interesting topic.

While emulation source code for various CPU cores is easily available, I wanted to better understand how to interface the emulated CPU with my host machine. Therefore I decided to write a simple example of a host system for an emulated MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor.

The goal would be to have the emulated 6502 write “Hello, world” to the console of my linux desktop machine.

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gdb, inline source, and stepping through your code

I really like having inline source when using gdb. Code Complete, by Steve Mcconnell has an entire chapter explaining how you should proactively step through all code you write — and not just when you’re actively debugging an issue. Having followed this practice for a few years now, I can testify that it increases your productivity enormously. I simply can’t imagine not doing so before committing any code.

Continue reading gdb, inline source, and stepping through your code