Tag Archives: programming

Replicating SQLite using Raft Consensus

raft-logoSQLite is a “self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine”.  However, it doesn’t come with replication built in, so if you want to store mission-critical data in it, you better back it up. The usual approach is to continually copy the SQLite file on every change.

I wanted SQLite, I wanted it distributed, and I really wanted a more elegant solution for replication. So rqlite was born.

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What I wish I’d been told about the JVM

Java_logoJava is the predominant language of Big Data technologies. HBase, Lucene, elasticsearch, Cassandra – all are written in Java and, of course, run inside a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). There are some other important Big Data technologies, while not written in Java, also run inside a JVM.

Examples include Apache Storm, which is written in Clojure, and Apache Kafka, which is written in Scala. This makes basic knowledge of the JVM quite important when it comes to deploying and operating Big Data technologies.

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Why you should write software design documents

scrollMany software engineers never write design documents. Design documentation takes time, and implementations often proceed so far without any documentation that if it happens, it’s an act of recording what has been done — a tedious task at the best times.

Many software engineers argue “the code exists, it’s running, it’s working, let’s move on and build the next thing.”

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Technical Leadership through Testing

As technical lead at Loggly, responsibility for a well-engineered infrastructure ends with me. And one way to ensure the system is designed and implemented well is to stay as close as possible to the code, ensuring that the team and I write quality software.

But it can be difficult to complete the design and implementation of the features I am responsible for, ensure that what the team produces is well-implemented, and understand every line of code — there is only so much time in the day.

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