Tag Archives: go

Coding like it’s 1999

“Run into an obstacle in what you’re working on? Hmm, I wonder what’s new online. Better check.”

If you haven’t already, you should start reading Paul Graham’s essays. In one on philosophy, Graham believes that many of the answers provided by philosophy are useless because “…of how little effect they have”. By that standard another of his essays is of high utility because it has affected the way I program. John Stuart Mill would be pleased.

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Increasing bleve indexing performance with sharding

bleve-logoSearch is everywhere. Once you’ve built search systems, you see its potential application in many places. So when I came across bleve, an open-source search library written in Go, I was interested in learning more about its feature set and its indexing performance. And I could see immediately one might be able to shard it to improve performance.

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Software Development for Infrastructure

Bjarne Stroustrup has another very interesting paper on his website.  Titled Software Development for Infrastructure, it discusses some key ideas for building software that has “…more stringent correctness, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability requirements than non-essential applications.”  It is not a long paper, but offers useful observations and guidelines for building such software systems.

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Drop, Throttle, or Buffer

Real-time — or near real-time — data pipelines are all the rage these days.  I’ve built one myself, and they are becoming key components of many SaaS platforms. SaaS Analytics, Operations, and Business Intelligence systems often involve moving large amounts of data, received over the public Internet, into complex backend systems. And managing the incoming flow of data to these pipelines is key.

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