Tag Archives: database

What I learned from programming databases

databaseProgramming a database is fascinating work. I’ve been deeply involved with developing open source databases for the past two years and programming a database is possibly the most instructive project one can ever complete as a software developer.

What’s really striking however, is how much my attitude towards databases has changed over the past 6 years. From a state of disinterest, I’ve come to think of these systems as a pinnacle of software engineering.

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rqlite – replicated SQLite with new Raft consensus and API

Raft consensus protocolrqlite provides robust replication for SQLite databases using the Raft consensus protocol. Coded in Go it ensures that all changes made to the leader SQLite database are replicated to all other nodes in the cluster, providing fault-tolerance and reliability.

It’s been 18 months since development of rqlite first started and it’s time for version 2.

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rqlite and Hashicorp Raft Consensus

Hashicorp RaftI’ve started replacing go-raft within rqlite with the implementation from Hashicorp. go-raft is no longer maintained, and I’ve good experience with the Hashicorp code, due to my work with InfluxDB and hraftd.

I’m also going to change the API, so it’s more useful. The existing implementation and API has been tagged as v1.0, so it’s still available.

You can follow the work on this branch, and I hope to merge it to master in the near future.