Tag Archives: database

rqlite and Hashicorp Raft Consensus

Hashicorp RaftI’ve started replacing go-raft within rqlite with the implementation from Hashicorp. go-raft is no longer maintained, and I’ve good experience with the Hashicorp code, due to my work with InfluxDB and hraftd.

I’m also going to change the API, so it’s more useful. The existing implementation and API has been tagged as v1.0, so it’s still available.

You can follow the work on this branch, and I hope to merge it to master in the near future.

Book Review: Cassandra High Availability

cassandraPackt recently asked me to review their new publication Cassandra High Availability, written by Robbie Strickland.

I’ve worked with Cassandra in the past — early designs of Loggly‘s 2nd generation Log analytics platform used Cassandra as its authoritative store for log data, but we ended up pulling it and using elasticsearch as both the store and search engine.

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Replicating SQLite using Raft Consensus

raft-logoSQLite is a “self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine”.  However, it doesn’t come with replication built in, so if you want to store mission-critical data in it, you better back it up. The usual approach is to continually copy the SQLite file on every change.

I wanted SQLite, I wanted it distributed, and I really wanted a more elegant solution for replication. So rqlite was born.

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InfluxDB and Grafana HOWTO

This blog describes working with InfluxDB 0.8. InfluxDB 0.8 is no longer supported, and has been superseded by the 1.0 release.

grafanaI recently came across InfluxDB — it’s a time-series database built on LevelDB. It’s designed to support horizontal as well as vertical scaling and, best of all, it’s not written in Java — it’s written in Go. I was intrigued to say the least.

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