All posts by Philip O'Toole

mutt and Google Mail

Gmail-LogoI finally moved to mutt for my Loggly e-mail (which runs on Google Mail). After moving from e-mail client to e-mail client, I was keen to give it a try — the minimalist design and speed really appealed.

It took a little while to get it just right, but it’s up and running now. I’m pretty happy with it so far, and might consider using it for my personal Yahoo! Mail.

You can find my .muttrc file here.

New Challenges

logglyAfter almost 5 years at Riverbed Technology, it’s time for new challenges. I’ve started a new development position at Loggly in San Francisco, helping to build their Cloud-based Logging-as-a-Service platform.

I spent significant time at building systems that needed comprehensive logging support. But it’s something that developers don’t need to worry about — let others do it for you.

Why not check out Loggly for your logging and monitoring needs? And if you like building scalable, distributed, software systems, why not join us?

Eating your own dogfood

riverbed-logoDogfood testing is an effective way to increase testing, and get valuable feedback, on one’s products. It can be especially effective in the earlier stages of a product’s development, when the user base can be small. Having a forgiving — and sometimes captive — audience provides very useful feedback.

I just wrote a post for the Riverbed Blog about Dogfood testing during development of the Riverbed Cloud Portal. You can check it out here.

A simple host system for a 6502 emulator

2000px-CBM_Logo.svgCPU emulation, particularly of older processors, is an interesting topic.

While emulation source code for various CPU cores is easily available, I wanted to better understand how to interface the emulated CPU with my host machine. Therefore I decided to write a simple example of a host system for an emulated MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor.

The goal would be to have the emulated 6502 write “Hello, world” to the console of my linux desktop machine.

Continue reading A simple host system for a 6502 emulator