Why Slack isn’t working

Slack: Where work happens

Something is happening at companies that use Slack. Slack, the company, may claim it’s work, but it’s less and less productive work, and it’s having a destructive affect upon my own field of software development.

I like really Slack, Flowdock, Hipchat and their ilk — I’ve written about it before. I couldn’t do my job without them. But it’s time to confront the damage these tools are causing.

Continue reading Why Slack isn’t working

rqlite v3.12.1 now with Discovery Service for easier clustering

rqlite is a lightweight, open-source distributed relational database, with SQLite as its storage engine. v3.12.1 has been released. This release includes integration with a new Discovery Service, allowing nodes to automatically connect and form a cluster. This can be very convenient, allowing clusters to be dynamically created.

You can download the release from GitHub.

Philip O'Toole