All posts by Philip O'Toole

Designing a search system for log data — part 1

This is the first part of a 3-part series “Designing and building a search system for log data”. Part 2 is here, and part 3 is here.

ekanite-cubeFor the past few years, I’ve been building indexing and search systems, for various types of data, and often at scale. It’s fascinating work — only at scale does O(n) really come alive. Developing embedded systems teaches you how computers really work, but working on search systems and databases teaches you that algorithms really do matter.

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Coding like it’s 1999

“Run into an obstacle in what you’re working on? Hmm, I wonder what’s new online. Better check.”

If you haven’t already, you should start reading Paul Graham’s essays. In one on philosophy, Graham believes that many of the answers provided by philosophy are useless because “…of how little effect they have”. By that standard another of his essays is of high utility because it has affected the way I program. John Stuart Mill would be pleased.

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Running services is hard

I’ve recently been thinking about why running Services is particularly hard. By Services I mean Software-as-a-Service platforms. During the years, I’ve written software for many different systems — embedded software, web services, databases, and distributed systems, but being involved with designing and running a SaaS platform was difficult in a whole new way: running Services is hard work.

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